
Profitable Southern Ontario based Roofing Business established over 10 years ago Revenue of $409,000 in YE Dec 2022. YE Dec 2023 revenue and profits are expected to surpass previous year Company specializes in Shingle roofing and repairs and is known for its quality of workmanship Company is fully insured with the WSIB and also accredited by the Better Business Bureau Company has A+ rating on BBB Clients are sourced primarily by referral as company is known for high quality of work , reliability, punctuality and competitive pricing Company has become one of the go-to roofing company in its service area Company mainly works with a sub-contractor crew Huge potential to grow by leveraging the current brand by investing in advertising , employing sales staff and adding subcontractors Seller is looking to retire; however, he is willing to stay for a negotiable period as a consultant
Status of Business: For Sale
Business Category: Construction
Property Status: N/A


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