
Business Overview
Activity: Thriving concrete contracting business specializing in various aspects of concrete construction, finishing,
cutting & coring, lifting, restoration and repairs
Clientele: This business caters to residential, commercial and industrial clients

Deal Highlights
Inclusive Assets: Purchase price includes Inventory, Equipment and Vehicles valued approximately at $400,000
Flexible Financing: Limited seller financing, up to 10% available, for qualified buyer(s)

Financial Snapshot
Robust Revenue: Revenue for 2024 is approximately $960,000 and is projected to be over $1 million next year as per
the seller
Strong Earnings: Sellers Discretionary Earnings for 2024 is an impressive $349,000 approximately (2023 – $319,000)

Human Resources
Skilled workforce: Currently, the business employs 4 FT nonunion workers, excluding the Owner
Owner Roles: The owner is currently responsible for Overseeing operations, Sales and Purchasing

Competitive Strengths
Organic Growth: Thriving on reputation, the business has flourished with minimal marketing, mainly relying on word
of mouth, offering ample growth opportunities for the new owner
No Competition: The business enjoys a unique position with very little competition in the area

Transition & Future
Smooth Handover: Current owner is willing to stay for a reasonable period to ensure a seamless transition
Ideal Opportunity: This presents an ideal opportunity for those seeking to purchase a successful venture, as the
current owner is looking to focus on other opportunities

Status of Business: For Sale
Type of Business: Mid Market
Business Category: Construction
Property Status: N/A


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